
The benefits of a corporate study visit

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Study Visit

The benefits of a corporate study visit

The benefits of a corporate study visit. Studying abroad is all about experiencing new cultures and learning about different ways of life. But what about the corporate study visit?

A corporate study visit is a great alternative to studying abroad for companies who want to send their employees overseas to explore the culture and the country.

Here are some tips to help you plan your next corporate study visit:

-Research potential study destinations and decide on a budget for the trip.

-Start by thinking about the goals and objectives for the study visit and then brainstorm potential destinations and activities that will align with the goals.

-Create a detailed plan for the visit and present it to the company for approval. -Use a study visit company to help plan and execute the trip.

-Choose a study visit company with the right experience and expertise for the type of study visit you’re planning.

-Ask peers in the industry who have done a corporate study visit in the past and what they found most valuable and what they enjoyed the most.

-Don’t forget to ask for feedback from the employees who participated in the study visit.

-Create a questionnaire to help you learn most about what they most enjoyed and what they found most valuable.

-Finalise the itinerary with a company that specializes in corporate study visits.

-Consider the appropriate length of the visit and whether you want the employees to have the opportunity to visit a company overseas.

-Research the company’s culture and history to make a more informed decision.

-Consider a company’s values and how they align with your company’s values.

-Consider the benefits of the study visit for the employees.

-Think about how the employees are going to be rewarded after the study visit.

-Create an incentive program for the employees who are participating in the study visit.

-Organise a pre-departure orientation to help the participants prepare for the study visit.

 -Finalise all arrangements for the accommodations, activities, and transportation for the participants.

-Have the employee participants fill out a risk assessment to ensure they are prepared for the trip.

-Create a contingency plan for the study visit in case any problems arise.

-Decide if the study visit will be mandatory or voluntary.

-Create a list of all the necessary documents and information before the study visit.

-Send the detailed itinerary and list of necessary documents and information to the participants.

-Send a confirmation email and a copy of the study visit itinerary to the employees and the company’s HR representative.

-Create a list of emergency contact information and emergency contact numbers for the participants.

-A day or two before the study visit, check in with the participants to confirm they’re ready for the study visit.

 –Send a friendly reminder to the participants about what to bring and what not to bring on the study visit.

-Make sure the participants have the necessary vaccinations before the study visit. -Finalise the travel arrangements for the study visit.

-Get to the airport on time with all the necessary documents for the participants.

-Give the participants the necessary tips and advice for traveling overseas.

-Stay in touch with the participants throughout the study visit.

-Send a post-study visit debriefing email to the participants and the company’s HR representative.

-Follow up with the participants a few days after the study visit to see how they’re feeling.

-Send a thank you email to the participants and the company’s HR representative for taking part in the study visit.

A corporate study visit is a great alternative to studying abroad for companies who want to send their employees overseas to explore the culture and the country.  

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